Post 6: Food

Okay this time I think that I am going to choose once of the most uncommon favorite dishes... I am talking about the curanto!

I still remember the first time that I saw "her", it was love at first sight♥️

Okay, I am always trying to be funny in this blog and I'm not sure if I'm getting it.

I tried the curanto ten years ago approximately and it was a super nice experience. In those years I lived in Venezuela and I was enjoying my holidays in Chile with my parents and sister. At the beginning I thought "what a strange dish!" in good way, of course, and 30 minutes later I was very close to exploit because I really ate a lot.

Right now I am living in Machalí, VI region, so I ate curanto once a year as maximum. I really like the mix between the ingredients, the smell and why not? I love the portions hahaha.

I hope to go to Chiloé very soon (maybe in February) and eat all the kilograms of curanto that I can hahaha. 
