My favorite photograph and its story

This picture was taken by a professional photographer, but i really don't remember her name.

That night i was directing my own composition for strings quintet (double bass, cello, viola and two violins). It was a nice experience, i loved that composition and the musicians played very good. I was very nervous but at the end of the night everything was perfect. When the concert finished, i went out with my friends to drink some beers and to comment the pieces, the feelings and everything that happened that night. 

It was two years ago and right now i'm planning to make another concert when the coronavirus is over.

I play the guitar, so i sometimes think about to make a blues/jazz composition for electric guitar and strings orchestra. And the most important, the parties have to be always the second part of my concerts hahahaha...


  1. Hi camilo! i find it very interesting you carreer and what you do :D hehehe i see photo and i image the sound, its beutiful, i personaly i never heard music in live but i imagine that is nice


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